"Plastic at sea, solutions on the island"
marine ecology & plastic pollution
23th - 29th June 2024
We are going to initiate Phase III of our workshop strategy: Elba Microplastic Survey Report on the island of Elba. During the week of our workshop we will conduct in international and intercultural small groups:
A very first Elba-Microplastic-Survey
You will learn and engage in the collection of surface water (manta trawl system) and beach microplastic samples according to scientific protocols
Do the analysis and evaluation of the microplastic samples during the week.
Prepare and write up a very first report stating the microplastic contamination around the island of Elba, which will be published as a scientific paper
In addition you will get daily lectures on plastic pollution, learn what are the effects on the marine ecology and on human health, what nanoplastics are and what is their potential to harm the environment and what kind of solution oriented approaches exist.
In small groups we will tnvestigate the acceptance and possible implementation of a new reusable food container system on the island in collaboration with the Swiss company Recircle. Reuse systems hold the potential to reduce drastically the amount of single use plastics being consumed and littered and also reduce the carbon footprint in the longterm.
Phase I: Baseline assessment development
Phase II: Project elaboration and testing
Phase III: Elba Microplastic Survey Report

In addition you will interact with stakeholders, local businesses / authorities, citizens and tourists. Take the chance to share with us one week of studies, brainstorming and exchange of knowledge and learn to appreciate the beauty of nature on the island of Elba and how to protect it

Image courtesy @Roberto Nada
Our Experts

Dr. Roman Lehner
Expert in plastic pollution and human health, co-founder of the Sail & Explore Association & workshop leader

MSc. Johanna Wiedling
Expert in marine ecology & biodegradable plastics, Sail & Explore expedition and workshop leader

cristina li pera
Expert in outdoor, sustainability, marine and plastic pollution education and the implementation of educational projects.

dr. Roberto nada
Sailor, scientist, and founder of the Riviera Sailing Academy in Genoa, involved in projects, exploring and monitoring the sea environment and promoting awareness about sea littering and pollution

Federica rotta
Phd student and fresh water ecologist expert in microplastic pollution in lakes, rivers and freshwater biota.

Dr. federica laface
Expert in marine plastic pollution studying microplastics ingestion by marine organisms and investigating the presence of microplastics in sea surface water and sediments.

LET'S CREATE A CHANGE TOGETHER! Take action and become part in an impact oriented project!
To get more information about the workshop and to register fill out the form "MORE INFORMATION & REGISTRATION". We will get back to you with further information concerning the workshop e.g. accommodation, travel, workshop schedule, costs, what to bring etc.